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Protect Greater Canyonlands

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Ask Your Senator(s) to Cosponsor America's Red Rock Wilderness Act

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Ask your senator(s) to cosponsor America's Red Rock Wilderness Act.

Thank Your Senator(s) for Cosponsoring America's Red Rock Wilderness Act

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Thank your senator(s) for cosponsoring America's Red Rock Wilderness Act.

Tell the BLM to Stop Chaining Our Public Lands

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Tell the Bureau of Land Management to stop chaining our public lands and protect Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument!

Submit Your Comments on Bears Ears National Monument

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Your comments submitted by March 19th play a critical role in protecting Bears Ears National Monument in the short term, while our legal team works daily to restore the monument for all time.

Ask Your Senators to Support Restoration of Utah's National Monuments!

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Ask your senators to sign Sen. Durbin's letter calling for restoration Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante.

Ask Your Senators to Oppose Drilling in Utah's Labyrinth Canyon Wilderness

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Alert asking people to urge their senators to sign Durbin letter opposing Labyrinth Canyon Wilderness helium lease.

Tell Your Members of Congress to Oppose Senator Hatch's Not-so-Swell Bill!

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Contact your representatives and tell them to oppose the Emery County Public Land Management Act.

Ask Your Representative to Support the Emery County Public Land Management Act!

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Alert asking constituents to contact their House representatives in support of the Emery County bill.

Tell Your Members of Congress to Oppose the Assault on Public Lands in Emery County

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Contact your members of Congress and tell them to stop the Utah delegation's war on public lands in Emery County!

Tell the BLM: Stop Stripping Sagebrush and Pinyon-Juniper in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument!

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Tell the BLM to stop all mechanical vegetation removal projects in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument.

Tell the BLM to Stop the Paria River Watershed Vegetation Removal Project in Grand Staircase-Escalante

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This project has the potential to harm monument resources, including soils, watersheds, and cultural sites on over 90,000 acres of public lands protected for their scientific, scenic, and historic values.

Tell BLM Not to Pave the Way for R.S. 2477 Highways across Utah by Approving the "Manganese Road" Applicati

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The BLM is considering giving away the United States' interest to a 10-mile dirt road in the southwest corner of Utah. If successful, this could open the door for RS 2477 highways across Utah.

Say NO WAY to a Highway through the Red Cliffs National Conservation Area

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The BLM is being pressured to let the State of Utah build a four-lane highway through the heart of the Red Cliffs National Conservation Area (NCA). We can't let this happen, and your voice is is crucial to helping us stop it.

Thank your senator(s) for standing up for public lands

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Thank your senator for sending a letter to the Department of Interior objecting to the approval of a Recordable Disclaimer of Interest for the Manganese Road in Washington County.

Tell the BLM to Stop the Skutumpah Vegetation Removal Project in Grand Staircase-Escalante

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The BLM plans to remove pinyon and juniper from more than 22,000 acres of public land within Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, northeast of Kanab.

Thank Your Congress Member For Being a Cosponsor

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Thanks for cosponsoring ARWA

Tell Congress to Protect Your Public Lands and Public Voice by Opposing Trump's Attacks on NEPA!

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Urge your members of Congress to defend the National Environmental Policy Act, our nation's bedrock environmental law, from the Trump administration's regulatory rollbacks

Tell Congress to Hold the BLM Accountable for Destructive Vegetation Treatments on Western Public Lands

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Tell Congress to hold the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) accountable for its use of taxpayer dollars in its "vegetation treatment" program on public lands in the West.

Tell Your Members of Congress to Hold the BLM Accountable for Destructive Vegeta

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Tell Congress to hold the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) accountable for its use of taxpayer dollars in its "vegetation treatment" program on public lands in the West.

2019 Pre-Introduction ARRWA Cosponsor Alert

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Ask Your Members of Congress to Cosponsor America's Red Rock Wilderness Act

Ask Your Members of Congress to Cosponsor America's Red Rock Wilderness Act

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Ask Your Members of Congress to Cosponsor America's Red Rock Wilderness Act

Ask Senator Cortez Masto to Cosponsor America's Red Rock Wilderness Act

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Please ask Senator Cortez Masto to become a cosponsor of America's Red Rock Wilderness Act.

Thank Your Members of Congress for Supporting Full Restoration of Utah's Monuments!

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Thank your members of Congress for signing one of three letters to Sec. Haaland supporting full restoration of Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments.

Ask Your Senators to Sign Sen. Durbin's Letter to Sec. Haaland to Protect Wilderness Study Areas

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Targeting specific senate targets to sign on to Durbin's letter to DOI on WSAs

Ask Rep. Lujan to cosponsor America's Red Rock Wilderness Act

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Please ask Rep. Lujan to become a cosponsor of America's Red Rock Wilderness Act.

Ask Your Members of Congress to Cosponsor America's Red Rock Wilderness Act

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Ask Your Members of Congress to Cosponsor America's Red Rock Wilderness Act

Oppose the Trump Administration's Directive to Allow Off-Road Vehicles in Our National Parks and Monuments

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Please write Assistant Secretary for Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, Rob Wallace, and tell him not to make this reckless decision that could irreversibly damage some of America's most remarkable national parks and monuments.

Tell the BLM to Fix Its Draft Travel Plan for the San Rafael Desert

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Tell the BLM its draft plan for the San Rafael Desert is unacceptable and fails to minimize damage to natural and cultural resources.

Thank Your Senator(s) for Supporting New Wilderness Study Area Designations

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Thank you to all signatories of Sen. Durbin's letter to Sec. Haaland re: 30x30 and WSA designation.

Thank Your Member(s) of Congress for Opposing Reckless Fossil Fuel Leasing on Utah's Public Lands

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Thank your member(s) of Congress for opposing fossil fuel leasing in wilderness and near national parks.

Ask Your Senators to Confirm Tracy Stone-Manning as National BLM Director

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Ask your senators to Confirm Tracy Stone-Manning as National BLM Director.

Ask Rep Torres Small to Cosponsor America's Red Rock Wilderness Act

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Please ask Rep. Torres Small to become a cosponsor of America's Red Rock Wilderness Act.

Ask Senator Udall to Cosponsor America's Red Rock Wilderness Act

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Please ask Senator Udall to become a cosponsor of America's Red Rock Wilderness Act.
